I made the colour scheme of my digipak and it
advertisement match the colour scheme of my video, which was black and
white. I
also used images that I thought linked to my video as the artist looked
similar in the video as well as the pictures used in the digipak and the
advertisement. I also used one of the images from a shot from my music
video, which was the
forest that it was shot in, so the audiee can ink to to it. The audience
reconinise the link between both the video and the digipak as it is
clear who
the artist is in both as she dominates both the video and the digipak as
she is
looking at directly the camera through both. My ancillary product has a
and simple text in order that the audience could read it. I also use
text that
I thought was able to relate to both males and females, as my core
audience applied to both sexs. I believe my target audience can relate
to bot
my video and ancillary work because it is modern and trendy, I aimed to
teenagers so in both my music video and ancillary work I dressed the
artist in the
latest fashionable clothing.
Similar images from my music video and my ancilary work
Music Video |
They type of shots are both close ups and long shots of the artist.
there was the same type of filter used in both video anddigipak image.
the artist is lookin directly at the caemra. She is also wearing black
in both imagese as well as having the same hair stylle a make up.
Music Video |
used the same background "location of where my music video was shot on
my ancillarywork so that the audience can relate and regonise the
digipak and link it to the video.
Ancillary Work |
images are similar as ther show the rtist looking away from the camera,
looking ahead into the distance. The shot type is alsosimilar as it
show the arist body.A similar filter is used her in which nakes the
image black and white.
Music Video |
Music Video |
These two images are alsosimilar as they show the
artist looking ahead into the distance, the expression on her face shows
passiona and love.
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